Dear Moderator
Please find directly below my completed music magazine. My evaluation starts on the 12/03/13 and finishes on the 11/04/13. My research and planning starts on the 10/09/12 and finishes on the 12/03/13. I hope you enjoy my blog and my magazine, also I hope you think its awesome :)
Have a nice day,

Thursday 20 December 2012

Research and planning: christmas plan

Over christmas I will:
  • Upload the last of my location recces
  • upload my iShowU video
  • take more pictures/write more stories for my contents page
This is my progress so far:

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Research and planning: progress so far

I have practically finished my front cover and double page spread. I need to work on my contents page. I am editing this photo to put on it.

Research and planning: Music magazine feedback

Good points-
  • image quality and editing
  • clear layout
  • number of stories/coverlines

Points to improve on-
  • hard to read text
  • larger text layout on double page spread
  • continuation of colours throughout magazine
  • Make the genre of my magazine more obvious/clear

Friday 7 December 2012

Research and planning: double page spread article

This is the article I will include on the double page spread of my music magazine.

We spent a lazy Sunday morning getting to know pop sensation 'Lavender Mister' a.k.a. Abi Lavender. The superstar has just come back after taking a break following her sell out tour last April. We get ourselves comfortable and after putting her feet up Lavender is ready to reveal all her secrets. All questions were submitted online via twitter by our readers.

Where did you get the name 'Lavender Mister' from?
"Well my last names Lavender and I remember whenever my Dad got any mail it was always addressed to Mister Lavender. We always found that real funny, mainly because my Dads really butch and muscley. I was trying to create my stage name and the name just popped back into my head."

Who is your idol?
"Ooooh... that's a tough one. I'd probably have to say- he'll kill me for this- my Dad. He hates when I say that, but it's true. If it wasn't for him I'd never have gotten into the music business, he worked really hard to give me the best in life. He payed for all my school fees, gave me the money I needed to make my demo CD. He's too modest to believe it, but I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for him."

What was it like being on tour for such a long time?
"It was difficult. I'm from a really tight knit family so spending such a long time away from them was really hard. I enjoyed it though, it was a really great learning experience for me. It was kinda like a holiday actually, I got to travel around the world and see the sights. I got to do things I never dreamed I'd get to do and I didn't even care how many hours I had to work. I never wanted it to end, but I'm glad I'm back."

Have you always wanted to be a performer?
"Well not so much when I was little, I mean all little kids wanna be a superhero don't they? Or a dragon. But yeah when I got older it became obvious I was destined to perform. I love making people smile, always have, so it just seemed like the perfect choice to make."

Do you write your own songs?
"Yeah, yeah I do. I'm a firm believer that if your gonna be in this business you've gotta write your own stuff. I love writing as well, I always used to write stories and poems when I was at school. I cant stand it when people just cover other artists work. I mean, doing the occasional cover's fine, but if all you do is rip off everyone elses stuff then your not a real artist. Your just a fake, a joke. I feel really strongly about that. You've gotta put in the same work as everyone else, there's no easy way to the top."

What job would you have if you weren't a singer?
"Umm... oh this is tricky. I think -realistically- that I'd be something like an architect or a writer, because I love drawing and writing. But I think if I could be anything I'd be something silly, like a pirate or something unusual like a lion tamer. I want my own zoo! That's what I'll be, I'll be a zoo keeper! I'd get to wear the hat and everything! Haha! That'd be great, in fact I'm quitting music right now. I'm gonna go buy myself a zoo!"

Do you ever feel really pressured, being in the spotlight all the time?
"Well I'm flattered that you think I'm that popular haha. It's a bit surreal actually. I keep seeing loads of paparatzi around and thinking "Ooh, who are they here to see? Which famous person have they spotted?" and then, like a moment of realization hits and I go "Oh. Wait, they're here for me!" It's quite cool, luckily I haven't had any issues so far with the paparatzi. Fingers crossed, but so far they've all kind of kept to the shadows."

Would you rather be a really bad singer who is really famous or be a great singer who nobody's ever heard about?
"Oh that's easy. I'd be a nobody any day so long as I've still got my voice. It's a part of me. As important as an arm or a leg, I couldn't live without my voice. Besides I'm still kind of unknown now, aren't I? It's not like I get people crowding round me in the street asking for autographs or fainting, although a girl was buying my CD in a shop yesterday and then spotted me. Her jaw practically dropped!"

Who is the most famous person you've met?
"Lady Gaga, without a doubt! I nearly died when I saw her, it was so embarrassing, I was proper fan girling and everything. She was at one of the events I was performing at in California and my manager just came over and introduced me to her. She was so nice! I made such a fool of myself, I was all tongue tied! She probably thinks I'm a right idiot, I don't think she even knew who I was!"

Do you get to decide how you look, or do you have to dress in a certain way?
"Well there's always someone else making the decisions for you to some extent, but I try and do things on my own. A lot of it is my own stuff and I get a lot of input into the costume designs. I refuse to let them style my hair, if they even attempt to give me a wacky hairdo I just walk out. That sounds so stuck up! I don't do it in a diva way but I cant stand looking really fake. I don't like it when they try and change me, it's just not my style. I'm really individual, I've got my look and it works for me. I want people to see me for me and not as a fake."

 Do you miss your old life?
"I miss lie-ins, Haha! I never get to sleep in anymore, I'm always working. I'm such a slob, I'd spend all day in my pajamas watching TV if I could. In fact this bed is really comfy. I'll just go to sleep now, night night. Haha! There are bits of it that I miss but in all honesty my life hasn't changed that much. It's just... improved that's all."

Is it true your dating Max Hartley?
"Why does everyone keep asking me this?! NO! No I'm not dating Max. I hardly even know the guy, I talked to him once at an award ceremony and now everyone thinks we're together. It's not that he's a bad guy, he's just not my type and I wish people would stop spreading rumours about me. It was funny at first but now it's just annoying. My Mum keeps phoning me up and asking me about them, it's well embarrasing!"

 What's your favourite colour?
"...That's a bit of a random question. I guess... blue? Wait, pink. No! Green. Definately green. Reminds me of grass. And the Hulk haha! We used to call my brother the Hulk because he used to get really angry at us."

If you could switch places with anyone for a day, who would it be?
"Oh... umm. Probably... Katy Perry. Or the Queen, yeah the Queen. I'd make loads of wacky laws up. Like, every Friday you have to wear a top hat and eat jellybeans."

What the most embarassing thing you've ever done?
"I've done loads of stupid stuff. I once asked a women when her baby was due and she wasn't pregnant. That was embarassing. I fell through a door too. I was leaning against it and someone opened it from the other side. I went rollerblading with my friends a while ago and I was showing off, doing little jumps and spins. I didn't pay attention to where I was going and I smashed into the wall."

What do you look for in a guy?
"He's got to be considerate and funny. I can't stand when people don't have a sense of humor. And I quite like boys with brown eyes and cheeky smiles, can't resist them they're so adorable. I want a guy whose really goofy and nerdy, because then I know he's not afraid of being himself. A hugger, he's got to love hugs or I'll just show him the door. He needs to be really patient too, in order to put up with me long term."

Thursday 6 December 2012

Research and planning: music magazine progress

Today I have been writing my story for my music magazine double page spread. I am roughly half way through, when it is done I can upload it to my double page spread and then it will be finished.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Research and Planning: music magazine progress

This is the progress I've made so far with my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Research and planning: music magazine progress

This is my progress so far on my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I have returned to my original colour of red on my masthead and cover lines. I may also change the pink to red. I have to start writing my double page spread story.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Research and planning: music magazine progress

This is what ive done so far with my music magazine cover, contents and double page spread.

Monday 26 November 2012

Research and Planning: music magazine photos- contents page

These are the photos I have taken for my music magazine contents page. I will choose the best/my favourite to go on my magazine.